Monday, 13 February 2017


Mergers and acquisitions are the most popular means of corporate 
restructuring or business combinations in comparison to amalgamation, 
takeovers, spin-offs, leverage buy-outs, buy-back of shares,
 capital reorganisation, sale of business units and assets etc. Corporate 
restructuring refers to the changes in ownership, business mix, assets 
mix and alliances with a motive to increase the value of shareholders. To 
achieve the objective of wealth maximisation, a company should ?
 continuously evaluate its portfolio of business, capital mix, ownership
and assets arrangements to find out opportunities for increasing the
wealth of shareholders. There is a great deal of confusion and
disagreement regarding the precise meaning of terms relating to the
business combinations, i.e. mergers, acquisition, take-over,
amalgamation and consolidation. Although the economic considerations
in terms of motives and effect of business combinations are similar but
the legal procedures involved are different. The mergers/amalgamations
of corporates constitute a subject-matter of the Companies Act and the
acquisition/takeover fall under the purview of the Security and Exchange
Board of India (SEBI) and the stock exchange listing agreements.
A merger/amalgamation refers to a combination of two or more
companies into one company. One or more companies may merge with
an existing company or they may merge to form a new company. Laws in
India use the term amalgamation for merger for example, Section 2 (IA) of
the Income Tax Act, 1961 defines amalgamation as the merger of one or
more companies (called amalgamating company or companies) with
another company (called amalgamated company) or the merger of two or
more companies to form a new company in such a way that all assets

and liabilities of the amalgamating company or companies become assets 
and liabilities of the amalgamated company and shareholders holding not
less than nine-tenths in value of the shares in the amalgamating
company or companies become shareholders of the amalgamated
company. After this, the term merger and acquisition will be used
interchangeably. Merger or amalgamation may take two forms: merger
through absorption, merger through consolidation. Absorption is a
combination of two or more companies into an existing company. All
companies except one lose their identity in a merger through absorption.
For example, absorption of Tata Fertilisers Ltd. (TFL) by Tata Chemical
Limited (TCL). Consolidation is a combination of two or more companies
Into a new company. In this form of merger, all companies are legally ?.
dissolved and new company is created for example Hindustan Computers
Ltd., Hindustan Instruments Limited, Indian Software Company Limited
and Indian Reprographics Ltd. Lost their existence and create a new
entity HCL Limited.
Types of Mergers
Mergers may be classified into the following three types- (i)
horizontal, (ii) vertical and (iii) conglomerate.
Horizontal Merger
Horizontal merger takes place when two or more corporate firms
dealing in similar lines of activities combine together. For example,
merger of two publishers or two luggage manufacturing companies.
Elimination or reduction in competition, putting an end to price cutting,
economies of scale in production, research and development, marketing
and management are the often cited motives underlying such mergers.
Vertical Merger
Vertical merger is a combination of two or more firms involved in 
different stages of production or distribution. For example, joining of a
spinning company and weaving company. Vertical merger may be
forward or backward merger. When a company combines with the
supplier of material, it is called backward merger and when it combines
with the customer, it is known as forward merger. The main advantages
of such mergers are lower buying cost of materials, lower distribution
costs, assured supplies and market, increasing or creating barriers to
entry for competitors etc.
Conglomerate merger :
Conglomerate merger is a combination in which a firm in one 
industry combines with a firm from an unrelated industry. A typical 
example is merging of different businesses like manufacturing of cement 
products, fertilisers products, electronic products, insurance investment 
and advertising agencies. Voltas Ltd. is an example of a conglomerate 
company. Diversification of risk constitutes the rationale for such 

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