Research in coatings for various applications
such as aesthetics, corrosion protection, wear resistance, thermal barrier,
self-cleaning, antifouling etc. have been very wide spread but not much is
going on in the area of foundry coatings in recent times. The use of foundry
coatings for moulds and cores during casting is very necessary as a means of
achieving high quality surface finish of castings more especially in complex
internal channels created by use of cores. This is despite the con-siderable
advances that have taken place over the recent years in binder and sand
technology giving the foundries greater opportunity to choose and control these
basic foundry raw materials. Since casting surface finish de-pends largely on
sand particle grading, it might be sup-posed that a proper selection of a
particular grade of sand would be the only requirement to achieve the desired
casting surface quality. However, there are other factors to be considered,
such as the ability to vent off the gases produced during casting, economic use
of a binder, non availability of sand with required grading, etc., these make
the use of coatings the more practicable approach .
In filling a
mould with liquid metal its surface is sub-jected to thermal, mechanical and
physicochemical ac-tions. The oxidation products of the metal, reacting with
the mould material, form low-melting materials such as silicates, which
lubricate the grains of the quartz sand well. This promotes penetration of the metal
into the in-ter-granular spaces and the formation of mechanical pick-up which
is difficult to remove from the casting surface. Considering that the sand
moulds and cores are highly porous, the production of castings in these
materi-als without pick-up and other surface defects is possible only with
protection of the surfaces of moulds and cores with refractory coatings. The
fundamental requirements for the refractory coatings are minimum porosity, high
refractoriness and reduction of the physicochemical reac-tion at the
metal-coating interface (lubrication, solution, penetration). These refractory
coatings are used to make better castings and to reduce costs. Castings
sur-face quality is improved because the coating produces smoother metal
surfaces, either by filling the spaces be-tween the sand grains or by
providing, to the metal, a surface smoother than the mould surface itself.
Further improvement from the coatings is due to the cleaner and better peel of
sand at shakeout and elimination of certain defects such as metal penetration,
veining, erosion, sand burn-in etc [3,4].
casting quality and increasing productivity are top priorities for foundries to
become more competi-tive in a global casting market and coatings can help to
provide the required remedy. Addressing the issue of mould/core moisture can
lead to improvements in pro-ductivity and help keep foundries competitive.
Identify-ing problems like poor mould/core density and moisture in the both
core and mould is challenging, but advance- ment in coating technology enhances
the engineering of refractory coatings as a quality-control tool to help
iden-tify these issues. The presence of moisture can lead to a scrapped
casting, but coatings that indicate when drying is complete can address this
issue. Coating technologies that change colour offer visual confirmation that
the coating is dry. This confirmation may also indicate poor sand compaction in
a core or mould, as these areas will absorb more moisture from the coating and
take longer time to dry. Therefore, a visually obvious colour change based on
moisture content permits these new refractory coatings to act not only as a
barrier between the metal and the mould or core but also as a quality
diagnostic .
The objective of this paper is to collate as much as
possible the significant works and results on foundry coatings in the past and
to give insight to a novel tech-nology for the production of foundry coatings
with greater potential towards improving the surface quality of castings from
readily available raw materials at a cheaper cost. This paper provides a
detailed understanding of the constitution of foundry coatings while providing
alterna-tives to the foundry coating components depending on the metal to be
cast and their properties and compatibility with sand properties such as grain
size and grain size distribution and binder properties.
Groups of Foundry Coatings
Foundry coatings may be divided into two
groups, those applied dry and those applied wet.
2.1. Coatings for Dry Application
For dry application, the most widely used
is Plumbago. Other dry coatings used to a lesser extent include mica, white
talc and wheat flour. These materials are either shaken or blown onto mould or
core surfaces from open-mesh cloth bags. Plumbago is a finely ground blend of
graphite containing 80% to 90% of particles that will pass through a 200-mesh
(75 micron). The graphite may be amorphous (no definite crystal structure) or
crystalline (having definite particle shape or flaky). Graphite will not melt
at the highest foundry temperatures but its car-bon is driven off by oxidation
at these temperatures de-pending on the air (containing oxygen) available at
the metal-mould interface. Amorphous graphite oxidizes easier than does
crystalline graphite. Plumbago is applied dry only on green sand moulds .
2.2. Coatings for Wet
Mould and core coatings for wet
application are of two types, carbon-base and carbon-free coatings. Both types
are sold in either powder or paste form. The adherence of the coating on the
mould or core surface depends on the moisture in the sand. Carbon-based
coatings may contain several types of graphite, coke, anthracite or any of the
numerous combinations that can be made from these materials. Carbon-free
coatings may contain silica, mica, zircon flour, magnesite, olivine, clays,
talc or a combina-tion of these materials. Many coatings formulations con-tain
both carbonaceous and non-carbonaceous raw mate-rials to take the advantage of
the synergistic characteris-tics of both types. Foundry coatings for wet applica-tion
are also classified into two, based on their carrier systems. Those employing
an aqueous carrier and those in which organic solvent carriers are used. The
former must be dried after application while the later are self-drying or can
be ignited and dried by their own combustion. Both classes of coating make use of
the re-fractory materials .
3. Components of a Coating (Coating
A refractory coating on the mould or core
should have the following characteristics:
refractory properties to cope with the metal being poured
Good adhesion to
the substrate to prevent spalling
Be permeable to
minimize air entrapment
Be fast in drying
No tendency to
blistering, cracking or scaling on dry-ing
Good suspension
and remixing properties
Minimize core
strength degradation
Provide adequate
protection against metal penetration
Good stability in
Good covering

Good application
properties by the method chosen
Leveling well and
minimizing runs and tear drops
For a coating to achieve these
characteristics, the coating will consists of
Refractory filler
Liquid carrier
Suspension agents
(Rheology control system)
Binder agents
Additives as shown
in Figure 1
3.1. Refractory Filler (Filler Materials)
Refractory materials are
substances or minerals that have high melting points and are difficult to fuse
except at very high temperatures. They are processed at high tem-perature
and/or intended for high temperature applica-tions. Refractoriness has been
defined by Commit-tee C-8 of the American Society for Testing and Materi-als
(ASTM) as “...the capability of maintaining the desired degree of chemical and physical
identity at high temperatures and in the environment and conditions of use.”
The melting temperature of refractory materials is an important characteristic
showing the maximum tem-perature of use and represents fundamental point in
phase diagrams used in high temperature chemistry, metallurgy, ceramics etc.
In coatings,
refractory materials are dispersed in the binder and constitute the skeleton of
the coating film. They increase the density, viscosity and hardness of the
coating film and reduce the permeability.
There are
characteristics other than resistance to high temperatures that refractory
materials should exhibit. These include:
Suitable particle
shape, particle size (PS) and particle size distribution (PSD),
Chemically inert
with molten metal,
Not be readily
wetted by molten metal,
Not contain
volatile elements that produce gas on heating,
Have consistent
cleanliness and pH
Be compatible with
new chemical binders as they are developed The significance of particle shape,
PS and PSD are elaborated below in the following paragraphs. The other factors
are readily understood.
At a given
refractory material loading, particle shape determines the mechanical
properties of the coating ma-trix. The particle shape is usually described by a
dimen-sionless parameter, the aspect ratio–this is the ratio be-tween the
average diameter and average thickness of the particle. The higher the aspect
ratio of the particle of re-fractory material, the higher the reinforcing
effect on the coating matrix will be.The particle size distribution (PSD) of a
refractory material is usually given as a cumulative curve, indicat-ing the
amount per volume or weight of particles (%), which are smaller than a given
size. PSD can be adjusted by grinding and classification. The coarsest
particles act as points of highest stress concentration, where crack or
fractures occur under loading. Impact strength is signifi-cantly improved by
using finer particles .It is generally assumed that a sieve analysis sharply
defines between the different sizes of particles compris-ing aggregate
materials. According to [3], such is not the case. On any particular sieve one
finds particles ranging from those just able to pass through the preceding
sieve to those just unable to pass through to the following sieve. As a result
of this lack of sharp differentiation between the particle sizes on adjacent
sieves, it is difficult to sim-ply screen aggregate material and secure
particles of uniform size on each of two successive sieves (Figure 2).
From a practical aspect, the refractory
material should be available in large quantities at reasonable prices [8]. In
foundry coatings, refractory materials determine the efficiency of the coating.
The refractory filler may be either a single material or a blend of materials
selected for specific applications. They make up 50% to 70% of the coating.
Fillers are chosen for their particle size and shape, density, sintering point,
melting point, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion and reactivity towards
the metal being cast and the mould or core material on which it is applied
These refractory materials in-clude Plumbago, silica, graphite, coke,
anthracite, zircon flour, magnesite, Chalmette, olivine, clays, talc, chromite,
alumina, mica.The material of which sand moulds and cores are made generally
exert influence upon the surface quality of the castings formed from these
moulds and cores. This is because they have a high degree of porosity to the
extent that the pores tend to be filled with molten metal causing high surface
roughness on the castings.
Therefore, with the application of
refractory coatings on the surface of the moulds and cores that will be in
contact with the molten metal, the refractory particles tend to fill these
pores on drying, thereby creating a smooth inert surface on the moulds and
cores. These re-fractory materials have different properties and are se-lected
depending on the metal to be cast. The more common refractory materials are
discussed below.
Silica flour is a commonly used refractory filler,
par-ticularly in steel foundries. The silica flour should con-tain minimum 98%
silica and not more than 1% moisture. The fusion point of silica flour is 1734°.
At ap-proximately 650°C (1100°F), silica refractory filler has an expansion of
1.6%. Silica fillers are well known for use as pigments, reinforcing agents and
the like.
Commercially available silica and other
metals oxides are often derived from burning volatile metal halides with
various fuels and oxidants. Silica filler has been produced by direct
combustion of silicon powder as re-ported in [14]. Silica flour does not
excessively increase viscosity [15]. However, it is reported in [16] that as
the content of silica filler increased the coefficient of thermal expansion of
the composite decreased while the viscosity increased.
Zircon flour
is a highly refractory
material and is primarily used for coatings in steel foundries. Good qual-ity
zircon flour suitable for foundry work should contain minimum 64% zircon oxide
(ZrO2), 30 to 35.5% silica and maximum of 0.5% TiO2 + Fe2O3. Refractory uses of
zircon require low interstitial water content. This trans-lates into low loss
on ignition. Excessive internal radia-tion damage to zircon crystals (metamict
zircon) can cause an increase in the loss on ignition of a zircon product. The
desire of the refractory market for a low loss on ignition implies that a low
picocurie/gram re-quirement is placed on zircon products.
It has a
specific gravity of about 4.5 and a pH value of the water-based coating of not
more than 9.The melting temperature is 2727 ± 10°C . The high heat
conductivity, about double that of silica, promotes quick formation of a
solidified metal layer and helps in pro-ducing castings with a fine grained
structure. Its higher density than that of silica prevents metal penetration .
Graphite refractory materials are most commonly
used for coatings in iron foundries and for non-ferrous castings. Molten metal
does not wet graphite and sand grains coated with graphite coatings resist
metal penetra-tion. This is the reason why graphite, Plumbago and car-bon are
usually used in mould and core coatings except those for steel.Mould and core
coatings containing carbonaceous ingredients are not used for steel,
particu-larly low-carbon steels. The reason for this is because steel is
sensitive to the carbon content and if there is carbon pick-up, the properties
of the steel will change. The graphite used is naturally flaky type, silvery
white in appearance, of a fine powder form and free from gritty particles. Good
quality graphite for foundry use should have ash content of about 12 to 15%
maximum; volatile matter 3% maximum; and moisture content 1% maxi-mum. Graphite
inclusion in mould and core coatings also improves stripping during shakeout. A
highly useful, desirable, substantially non-porous, smooth, non-spalling mould
surface can be produced on porous moulds by subjecting them to a treatment with
a controlled amount of colloidal graphite suspended in a volatile carrier or
vehicle followed by a drying after the treatment and fi-nally baking at a
relatively high temperature. The mould surfaces prepared in this manner possess
substantially no pores, at least those of a size which can be penetrated by
molten metal. With the presence of pores which cannot be penetrated by molten
metal it is considered to be sub-stantially non-porous. The treatment, it is
believed, in-troduces colloidal graphite particles into the mould pores and the
subsequent baking fixes or anchors them in such a way as to prevent removal
unless the mould surface itself is worn or cut away
Olivine is orthosilicate of magnesium and iron
(MgFe)O·SiO2 and it occurs as forsterite and fayalite. Its density,
conductivity and refractoriness are higher than those of silica. Its fusion
point is high—about 1800°C- and as such it is favoured for heavy sections of
alloy steel casting. Its resistance to slag reaction makes it suitable for the
casting of high manganese steels. Olivine refrac-tory material can also be used
for the casting of non fer-rous castings of intricate nature Olivine is used in
preference to silica sand to overcome the silicosis hazard (Silicosis is
a form of respiratory disease caused by inhalation of silica dust, and is
marked by inflammation in the upper lobes of the lungs).
Talc is a hydrous magnesium silicate mineral
with the chemical formula (Mg3Si4O10·(OH)2) and the softest mineral on Mohr’s
scale of hardness. Talc is widely used as a filler material .Talc Mohr’s
hardness is 1 and density of 2.6 - 2.8 g/cm3. It is used in many industries
because of its characteristics—low hardness, adhesion capability (surface
coating), high melting temperature, chemical inertness, hydrophobic,
organophilic, platy, low electrical and high thermal conductivity . The inert
and lamellar platy natures of talc improve its cracking resistance, adhesion
and barrier properties.

Talc is
practically insoluble in water and weak acids and alkalis. Above 900°C, talc
progressively loses its hydroxyl groups and above 1050°C, it recrystallizes
into different forms of enstatite (anhydrous magnesium silicate). Talc’s
melting point is at 1500°C
Mica is a plate-like crystalline
aluminosilicate and has been widely used as reinforcing filler in polymer
matrix due to its excellent mechanical, electrical and thermal properties as
well as lower cost than carbon or glass fibres .Chemically they contain complex
silicate of aluminium and alkalis with hydroxyl. They crystallize in monoclinic
system. Some varieties may contain iron, magnesium, lithium. There are seven
important mica minerals: Muscovite or potassium mica, H2KAl3(SiO4)3; Paragonite
or sodium mica, H2NaAl3(SiO4)3; Lepidolite or lithium mica, K·Li·Al(OH,
F)2Al(SiO4)3; Phlogopite or magnesium mica, H2KMg3Al(SiO4)3; Biotite or
magne-sium iron mica, (H2K)(Mg, Fe)3Al(SiO4)3; Zinnwaldite or lithium iron
mica, Li2K2Fe2Al4Si7O24; and Lepidome-lane or iron mica, (H, K)2(Fe,
Al)4(SiO4)5. Muscovite is the commonest of all and whenever the word mica is
used it is understood to mean muscovite. No other natu-ral substance has been
found to possess the properties equal to those of mica. Of all the known varieties
of mica only muscovite and phlogopite are of commercial im-portance. Muscovite
finds the largest use while phlo- gopite has a limited application. On the
other hand phlo- gopite is superior to muscovite in heat resistance. Mus-covite
can withstand temperatures up to 700°C, and phlogopite up to about 1000°C.
Phlogopite is, therefore, preferred where a high temperature is required .Mica
can be used as refractory filler in foundry core and mould coatings to
eliminate or reduce finning defect in castings because of its lamellar
plate-like nature
Clays used for the manufacture of refractory
fillers are the kaolinites. In the kaolinites there are equal numbers of silica
and alumina sheets and equal numbers of silicon and aluminium atoms. The basic
composition is Al2O3- 2SiO2·2H2O Kaolinite crystals are normally hex-agonal
disks which are built up by laying double sheets of alumina octahedral and
silica tetrahedral on top of one another Kaolin clay is the most extensively
used particulate mineral in the filling of coating of paper .Since kaolin clay
is fine and refractory and has found application in coating for papers, it also
has poten-tial application in foundry coating technology.
Other filler
materials and their properties are provided
Different filler
materials and their functions in the ma-trix depending on their various
particles sizes are pre-sented in Figure 3.
3.2. Liquid Carrier
The liquid career is the medium
containing the coating constituents and also serves as the vehicle to transport
the filler materials onto the sand substrate Therefore, the coatings are
typically suspensions of high melting point refractories in a liquid carrier.
Liquid carrier con-stitutes about 20 to 40% of the coating. After application,
it is necessary to dry the coating to prevent gas formation when the hot metal
is poured into the mould. The forma-tion of gases may cause casting defects.
After the liquid carrier is removed by evaporation or combustion, a pro-tective
refractory layer is deposited on the surface of the mould or core .This layer
prevents or minimizes the penetration of molten metal into the sand, reduces or
prevents "burn-on" and erosion of the sand, and generally improves
the quality of a casting surface. However, there are many factors to consider with carrier
selection, in-cluding: compatibility of carrier with sand binder and/or
refractory, method of drying, flammability and “burning” characteristics;
toxicity and odour; application; labour and floor space. The most commonly used
carrier are water-based (aqueous) and spirit-based (organic solvent)
3.2.1. Aqueous-Based Carrier
In this class, water is used as the
carrier. Water is cheap and readily available but drying in an oven is usually
necessary to remove it before casting
Table 1. Other filler materials and their
respective proper-ties [17]. Data
Thermal expansion
(×1000 mm/m)
Thermal conductivity (WK-1m-1)
Wettability with molten
No wetting
No wetting
No wetting
No wetting
Water is non flammable and non toxic. It
has no flash point. Water is the safest of the carriers. From environmental
view point, the use of water-based coatings is highly recommended. However,
apart from requiring heat to dry water-coatings, complete drying of deep
pockets in a reasonable time can be difficult. It has greater tendency for
tears or runs compared to organic-based coatings. It reduces the tensile
strength of urethane no-bakes, cold box and silicate sands. It increases the
potential for core breakage. There is also possible degradation during core
storage. Moreover, aqueous-based coatings can freeze
3.2.2. Organic Solvent-Based Carrier
Organic solvent-based or spirit-based
coating usually contains isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol) as liquid carrier for
coating constituents, and the coating is dried by ig-niting and burning off the
isopropanol This is typi-cal of organic solvent-based carriers which also
include methanol, ethanol, hydrocarbons and chlorinated hydro-carbons. They dry
very fast. Isopropanol is recommended for use on large moulds and cores
Isopropanol has good combustion characteristics with slow burning front and a
moderate hot flame. This reduces the chance of over-heating the sand surface
and subsequent problems of sand friability. Isopropanol is also technically
accept-able because it is compatible with a wide range of sus-pension agents
and resin binders also used in the formu-lation of these coatings. Most of the
organic sol-vent-based carriers are referred to as air-drying carrier. These
include carbon tetrachloride, methylenechloride, chloroethene and chloroform.
They rely for efficiency on a rapid rate of evaporation which places them in a
more hazardous category than isopropanol. They are also not versatile as
isopropanol in the formation of foundry coatings. In many cases, they call for
specialized forms of gelling media and resin binders The use of organic
solvent-based coatings is threatened by environmental issues because they are
toxic and flammable
Suspension Agents (The Rheology Control
There is no difficulty in keeping solid
particles in per-manent suspension in a liquid if both have the same spe-cific
gravity. This is not the case with foundry sand coatings. The maintenance of
solid particles in suspen-sion is achieved by addition of suspension agents.
These agents provide the suspension system that prevents the filler particles
from agglomerating and separating out during storage of the coating over
extended periods. It ensures that the coating is homogeneous and ready for
application with the minimum of agitation. It also con-trols the flow
properties of the coating and is designed to suit the application method that
is used The sus- pension agent makes up 1 to 5% of the coating.
When water is used as the
carrier liquid, bentonite clay is used as a suspension agent. Bentonite swells
and forms a gel when mixed with water. Time must be allowed for gelling to
proceed to completion. Two kinds of bentonite are in common use, one linked
with calcium and the other with sodium ions. As a suspension agent bentonites
ini-tially of the sodium type are preferred. Calcium bentonite is converted to
sodium bentonite by treatment with so-dium carbonate. This treatment affects
the swelling power of the clay and makes control of the viscosity of the
coat-ing unpredictable. Apart from the difficulties with quality control of the
bentonite, it has the disadvantage of tending to induce shrinkage cracks in the
coating when dried. In view of the drawbacks associated with bentonite,
substi-tutes are found in polysaccharide and certain forms of carboxymethyl
cellulose. Polysaccharides require special mixers, which few foundries possess,
to obtain optimum suspension The cellulose type does not require this special
mixers and do not induce shrinkage cracks as does dried bentonite as shown in Figure
4 below.

With organic
solvent-based carrier systems, different suspension agents are used. Modified
bentonite known also as organic bentonite or bentone will gel and increase the
viscosity of organic liquids such as alcohols and sol- vents. Bentones result
from a base exchange of the inor-ganic Ca and Na cation for an organic one
which is qua-ternary ammonium. Examples of suitable suspension agent for
organic solvent-based carrier are hydrogenated castor oil and quaternary alkyl
ammonium montmorillo-nite gels
3.4. Binding Agents
Binding agents are
various materials which act to hold the particles of refractories together and
attach them to the sand surface. The quantity of binder required for this
purpose increases a little as the particle size of the re-fractory decreases,
thereby increasing the surface area for a given ratio in the coating. However,
it makes up to 1 to 5% of the coating. It is important to determine the
mini-mum quantity of the binding agent, because too little results in poor
adhesion but, excess produces brittle coating which may crack on drying and
spall off during casting. Furthermore, resins and similar organic binders
evolve gas on heating. Thus, any undispersed binder col-lected in partially
dried areas of moulds or cores will cause local concentration of gas
generation. In this way, defects such as porosity and lapping can result. It is
also worthy to note that most organic binders and many sus-pension agents used
in water suspensions are subject to biological degradation. For longer storage of
the coating, precautions must be taken to suppress these reactions. Such
reactions do not occur with spirit-based coatings. Binders used for water
suspensions include sulphite lye, various clays (bentonite and kaolin),
dextrin, molas-ses, sugars, silica ester and resins (furan and phenol) soluble
or miscible with water. For spirit-based suspen-sions, natural or synthetic
resins are required. These in-clude furan, phenol, urea formaldehyde, phenol
formal-dehyde, novolac and natural wood resins.
4. Coating Application
Several variables
dictate the choice of application method. Part geometry and size, appearance of
the coating finish, and production rate, allinfluence the type of application
method. Facility constraints will also determine the choice of application
method. The configuration of the applica-tion equipment is dependent on space
or climate. Systems can be manually or automatically controlled. Other sys-tems
may require extra equipment, such as holding tanks or outside air supply to
operate properly.
application systems may operate at widely varying parameters. The viscosity of
the coating material, the desired thickness of the final coating, and the
com-plexity of the part will determine the best operating-parameters for the
application method. Thus, part tem-peratures, dip times or number of coats are
put into con-sideration.
One factor that is
important to all application methods is the transfer efficiency of coating
material onto the part. Transfer efficiency is the percentage of solid coating
material used that actually deposited on the surface of the part. The amount of
solvent in the coating material is irrelevant. The higher the transfer
efficiency, the better, as more coating material adheres to the part and less
is wasted. Transfer efficiency ranges from 25% to 40% for conventional spray
systems to almost 100% for dip and powder coating methods. Much of the
pollution and waste created from organic finishing operations can be mini-mized
or eliminated by improving the transfer efficiency of the application system.
If the transfer efficiency cannot be improved, pollution control technology and
waste handling measures must be employed . The following are different methods
of applying foundry coating on cores or moulds.
1) Brushing and swabbing
2) Spraying
3) Dip coating
4) Flow coating
Hi,Stephy Daniel how are you,thanx for your comment .