Wednesday 10 May 2017


Today 10th May

As we all knows that today is  Mothers day but do u think really today is a Mothers day? in my knowledge Mothers day is then when 99% of Mothers are free from violence from both husband and child.  We usually say for a children mother is an example, an inspiration and many more but reality is no mother get that respect which they deserve, from a child.. nowadays children's are so busy in socializing that they forget to give respect to there mother.. they just post a pic n some status regarding mom on Mothers day only for likes and comments but in reality 90% of children's dont respect there moms..that's very shameful
A Mother remove a part of her body to give birth to u , suffers a lot of pains n troubles to give u birth n give u wonderful life so that no trouble should comes to u.. Do each n everything that helps and need you, she make u study in good to good school, colleges and institutes so that one day you become respected person in the society n in return what she gets is disrespect..

A 10 years old boy want to have food so he said his mom to prepare the think which he likes but his mom may be due to some reasons didn't made it good or if it is good also he didn't liked so he started shouting on his mom, Saying mom you don't know how to cook, Ur careless and many more; all this has seen by his 5 years old brother now just say me that he thinks? whether he will treat his mom good or with a rude behaviour?

Suggestion to every child if u can't respect ur mom plz don't Disrespect her. she didn't gave you birth to insult her.. If u really want to do something for your mom just give a smiling wish in the morning to her that only makes her day.. Mom get happy in all the small things of there child so it's not necessary to talk to her regularly just a single wish everyday is enough to her to say that you really love her..

Respect Mother so that your daughter respect you..


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