Saturday, 11 February 2017


 1.Have a favorite picture of yourself? Frame it and put it on the wall to remind yourself
that you are already beautiful.
2. If you have a favorite color, rock it! Don't be afraid to get decked out in clothing and
accessories that feature that color.
3. Bust out in some fake lashes. False eye lashes do a great job at making your eyes pop.
They can also be inexpensive and easy to find at most drug stores for under 5 bucks.
4. Put on your best smile. Think happy thoughts and that happiness and light will come out
and spread to everyone around you.
5. Try a new 'do. Look up some crazy and creative hair styles in women's magazines. You
may end up finding a new hairstyle you can use on a regular basis!
6. Focus on your lips. A good way to look different, yet stunning, is to downplay your eyes
and accentuate your lips. Try a deep red or fuchsia lip stick.
7. Trying to flirt with that special someone? Drink from a straw. This is an old fashioned
kind of sex appeal that definitely shouldn't be forgotten.
8. Wear some cute, brightly colored hair barrettes. Children's barrettes in the shapes of
butterflies, dragonflies and bows are inexpensive and utterly adorable.
9. Matching manicures and pedicures never fail. Have a mani/pedi party with some friends
so you can all have beautiful nails together.
10. Ruffles and frills aren't just for kids! Clothing and accessories featuring these will not
only make you look adorable, but you'll feel adorable and cute as well.
11. Get some crazy earrings. Dangling pineapples? Guitar earrings? Pink skull and cross
bones? This is a whimsical way to improve your look.?
12. Get your hair professionally styled – for no reason. Putting in the time to get pampered,
especially when it's not for a date or event, will make you feel great on the inside and
look stunning on the outside.
13. Need to dress sensibly? If you’re heading to a sober event, you can still style up your
look with an amazing purse. At least your accessories can still have some fun!
14. Enjoy dessert every once in a while! If you like ice cream or cheesecake or cookies, or a
mash of all three, go ahead and eat it. If you have confidence in your own body enough
that you’re willing to eat that fattening stuff, you won’t be the only one that has
confidence in you.
15. Got a personal theme song? Blast it super loud and dance around the room. You get
bonus points if you do it in front of a window (clothing required.)
16. Even if you’re the sober cab for the next party, drink your 7 UP from a champagne glass.
It’ll give you a sense of sophistication, although friends may have to verify the contents
now and then.
17. Sunbathe in public. If you live in an apartment and don’t have a yard of your own, you
can get some sun at a local park. Just don’t forget the sunscreen! And don’t go naked, of
18. Hold a hair party! Get all of your best lady friends together and do each others’ hair.
You’ll learn new techniques and bond with your fellow ladies.
19. Puppy-sit for a friend for the day. This way, you can bond with a little furry friend out at
the park while giving your human friend a break. Plus, people always look better while
in the company of a dog.
20. Have a spontaneous dress up day. For no other reason than to have fun, dress up as a
princess, a pirate, or a librarian. Trust me, the fun you have will spread to everyone?.
21. Throw on some body shimmer! If you’re planning on baring those shoulders, shimmer
will add a bit of light and pop to your look. No one will resist a little staring! Just avoid
sparkles unless you want to look like you just stepped out of high school.
22. Get dolled up! Even if you’re just going to the grocery store, you’ll feel great knowing
that you look your best.
23. Go on a date – with yourself. If you’re planning on seeing that new movie, but have no
one to see it with, go by yourself! You’ll get to see a great flick and will have the added
confidence boost that comes from doing something on your own.
24. Go retro. Whether it’s Bettie Page bangs or dark Olivia de Havilland lips, you’ll look
extra special with a retro-inspired look.
25. Don’t forget your local clothing stores. They sell great stuff you’d never find at a chain,
and you’ll be supporting mom and pop stores.
26. Accept who you are. You will never be your most beautiful self if you hate the way you
look. How you feel on the inside affects how you look on the outside. You’re beautiful –
now believe it!
27. Read! Nothing is more beautiful than someone who is smart, and reading is a great way
to learn more…even if it’s one of those tawdry bodice-rippers!
28. Drink more water. Proper water drinking has been linked to all sorts of great health
effects, including better skin and higher metabolism. Believe me, you’ll look and feel
29. Always smell great. Even if you don’t have time to spritz perfume on as you go out the
door, you can still smell good. Try nicely scented body wash and shampoo, or use great
laundry detergent so even your clothing smells great.
30. Keep up with your hygiene. It should go without saying, but far too many people forget
to use deodorant or brush their teeth. Don’t be one of them?
31. Running out of jewelry options? Wear a cute hair binder as a bracelet to save some time
and money.
32. Have a beauty role model? If you love the look of a certain celebrity, go for it! Who
says you can’t steal beauty ideas?
33. Our internal happiness can be measured by our external relationships. Nurture what you
have with your friends and you will feel amazing.
34. Join an art class. If you’re making something beautiful with your own hands, it’s easier
to feel beautiful within your own self. Try pottery, painting, or even sewing.
35. Learn how to make your own accessories. When you’re decked out in your own
creations, you’ll feel much better about the way you look. You could knit a nice slouchy
hat, string up some dangly earrings, or sew a chic, sequined belt.
36. Match your friends. A fun thing to do is color coordinate with your pals, especially if
you’re planning to go out in public. Pink tops and yellow skirts? Heck, yes!
37. Keep track of your health. The healthier you are, the better you will look. Get regular
physicals and make note of any odd ailments. You’ll regret it if you don’t.
38. Wear a new hair style every other day. We often fall into a rut with our hair and only do
one or two looks. Do something different on a regular basis and you’ll add that wow
factor to your overall appearance.
39. Join a club or group. You’ll not only meet people and get to be social, you may come out
of it with some great friends. Try!
40. Be nice to others. If you make other people feel good, you will feel good in the process.
41. Do something different. Try a different drink at the coffee shop or order a movie you
would never normally watch. Challenging the way you perceive yourself can open up?
who you are as a person, even in these small ways.
42. Take care of a life. Get a pet, or even just a plant, and the responsibility will make you
feel excellent and needed.
43. Clean out your closet. Not only will you get rid of clothes you’ll never wear, but you will
probably find some super cute gems you completely forgot about while you’re at it.
44. Carry around a makeup bag. A small makeup bag can carry everything you need just in
case you find yourself in a beauty emergency.
45. Throw a makeup slumber party. Get all of your best pals together and have an old
fashioned sleepover. Don’t forget to trade or swap your makeup for an entirely new
46. Shimmery lip gloss does the trick! Even if you don’t have any time to do a full makeup
look, smear on some shimmery lip gloss. This will add that extra bit of sparkle that will
really make the difference.
47. Do a duel makeover. Get together with a friend and give each other a makeover. You’ll
learn new tricks and have some bonding time with your pal.
48. Compliment others! When you compliment other people, they’ll see you as a confident,
sweet, and awesome person. And it will make someone else’s day!
49. Keep yourself open to new ideas. This way, you’ll meet new people, learn new tricks,
and have a much better time in your life.
50. Be yourself! You, at your best self, are sure to be the most beautiful.?

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