Sunday, 31 January 2016
There Is No Heaven, It's a Fairy Tale: Hawking
The belief that heaven or an afterlife awaits us is a "fairy story" for people afraid of death, Stephen Hawking has said. In a dismissal that underlines his firm rejec-tion of religious comforts, Britain's most eminent scientist said there was nothing beyond the moment when the brain flickers for the final time. Hawking, who was diag-nosed with motor neurone disease at the age of 21, shared his thoughts on death, human purpose and our chance existence in an exclusive interview with The Guardian. The incurable illness was expected to kill Hawking within a few years of its symptoms arising, an outlook that turned the young scientist to Wagner, but ultimately led him to enjoy life more, he has said, despite the cloud hanging over his !inure. "I have lived with the prospect of an early death for the last 49 years. I'm not afraid of death, but I'm in no hurry to die. I have so much I want to do first," he said. "I regard the brain as a omputer which will stop working when its comp°. nents fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for bro-ken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark," he added. Hawking's latest comments go beyond those laid out in his 2010 book, The Grand Design, in which he asserted that there is no need for a cre-ator to explain the exis-tence of the universe. The book provoked a backlash from some religious leaders including the chief rabbi, Lord Sacks, who accused Hawking of com-mitting an "elementary fallacy" of logic. The 69-year-old physicist fell seriously ill after a lec-ture tour in the US in 2009 and was taken to Adde-nbrookes hospital in an episode that sparked grave concerns for his health. He has since returned to his Cambridge depart-ment as director of research. The physicist's remarks draw a stark line
between the use of God as a metaphor and the belief in an omniscient creator whose hands guide the workings of the cosmos. In his bestselling 1988 book, A Brief History of Time, Hawking drew on the device so beloved of Einstein, when he descri-bed what it would mean for scientists to develop a "theory of everything" - a set of equations that desc-ribed every particle and force in the entire uni-verse. —Agencies
between the use of God as a metaphor and the belief in an omniscient creator whose hands guide the workings of the cosmos. In his bestselling 1988 book, A Brief History of Time, Hawking drew on the device so beloved of Einstein, when he descri-bed what it would mean for scientists to develop a "theory of everything" - a set of equations that desc-ribed every particle and force in the entire uni-verse. —Agencies
■ HIS REMARKS draw a stark line between the use of God as a metaphor and the belief in an omniscient creator whose hands guide the work-ings of the cosmos.
THE 69-YEAR-OLD physi-cist fell seriously ill after a lecture tour in the US in 2009
■ HAWKING rejected the notion of life beyond death and emphasised the need to fulfil our potential on Earth by making good use of our lives.
WOMAN I POWER - 31-year-old Australian to run 4,000 km across India in August
Meet The Youngest Girl to Run Desert Marathons :
The absolutely petite woman who introduces herself as Samantha Gash is a far cry from what one would expect when one is waiting to see an avid ultra-marathoner. Diminutive but fttll of fire, 31-year-old Samantha (she could pass for 20), who was in Bengaluru for the Australia India Youth Dialogue 2016, has taken on the most extreme territories in the world, running in some cases for worthy caus-es and in others simply for the challenge. She is the youngest person and the first woman to have done all
four desert ultra-marathons rw. "I did the driest desert -Atacama, the windiest. which is in China, the hottest — the Sahara and the coldest — Antarctica," she said. The hottest and the coldest deserts took place after a gap of only four weeks, because the window for racing through Antar-ctica is so small. Ultra-marathoners carry their sustenance in their backpacks, including food. sleeping gear, etc. "I'm not the tallest person in the world, I'm under five feet," she laughs. "When you are on an ultra marathon, you pack everything you need. I ran through the Sahara desert carrying 20 percent of my body weight on my back! It boils down to
the smallest details — I cut off the handle off my tooth-brush and carry only the bristles because that saves
me a good 10 grams. Everything counts," she added. In August, she will embark on a 4,000-km run across the breadth of India, to further education amongst women. The pro-ceeds will go to World Vision, a global NGO work-ing with poor children. "In Rajasthan, for instance, there are commu-nities which send off daugh-ters to the sex trade. If they don't, the girls are married very young. I've learned one thing, though — it's not all black and white. "It's easy to say child marriage is awful, but if flesh trade is the alter-native, which would you choose?" she says.
The absolutely petite woman who introduces herself as Samantha Gash is a far cry from what one would expect when one is waiting to see an avid ultra-marathoner. Diminutive but fttll of fire, 31-year-old Samantha (she could pass for 20), who was in Bengaluru for the Australia India Youth Dialogue 2016, has taken on the most extreme territories in the world, running in some cases for worthy caus-es and in others simply for the challenge. She is the youngest person and the first woman to have done all
four desert ultra-marathons rw. "I did the driest desert -Atacama, the windiest. which is in China, the hottest — the Sahara and the coldest — Antarctica," she said. The hottest and the coldest deserts took place after a gap of only four weeks, because the window for racing through Antar-ctica is so small. Ultra-marathoners carry their sustenance in their backpacks, including food. sleeping gear, etc. "I'm not the tallest person in the world, I'm under five feet," she laughs. "When you are on an ultra marathon, you pack everything you need. I ran through the Sahara desert carrying 20 percent of my body weight on my back! It boils down to
the smallest details — I cut off the handle off my tooth-brush and carry only the bristles because that saves
me a good 10 grams. Everything counts," she added. In August, she will embark on a 4,000-km run across the breadth of India, to further education amongst women. The pro-ceeds will go to World Vision, a global NGO work-ing with poor children. "In Rajasthan, for instance, there are commu-nities which send off daugh-ters to the sex trade. If they don't, the girls are married very young. I've learned one thing, though — it's not all black and white. "It's easy to say child marriage is awful, but if flesh trade is the alter-native, which would you choose?" she says.
Saturday, 30 January 2016
Friday, 29 January 2016
Whose Responsibility ?
This time we move on to look at the issue of responsibility.
This is often confusing. If I
make a comment to someone - even though it was kindly and
sincerely meant - and
they get upset or take offense, is their upset my
Take the example of a father who needs to tell his son it is
time to go to bed, and no, he
can't watch the rest of the film on TV, he needs to sleep
and be up in time for school.
The boy is angry and resentful and reluctantly goes to bed,
feeling little love for me
even though my action was based on my love and care for him.
There is a principle here: another's choices and creations
(which includes their
emotional responses) are their responsibility, not yours or
anybody else's. In the same
way that jealousy is less than love, since it resents the
other's freedom to choose, to be
themselves. This might seem like a cold or hard-hearted view
but really it is based on
love and respect for the other person's freedom.
So what is your responsibility? What if you do something
wrong. Take this example: I
promise my son to go to the circus with him, but then I'm
too busy and don't have time
to go, and he is understandably upset. For me, breaking my
promise has been a wrong
action on my part, and I would be responsible for it.
The conventional wisdom is that I have caused my son's
grief. In truth however, it is
my son who causes his grief, not me. But yes, it was still
be a wrong action since I
promised to take him to the circus and didn't. I am
responsible for doing what I think is
right, according to my ethical judgment. If I do something
wrong according to my own
ethics, I am responsible for that. I decided my work was
more important than keeping
my promise - in retrospect I may realize I made a mistake,
apologize to my son and
learn from that experience. I am not responsible for my
son's reactions though, that is
his determinism, his freedom, his life.
If you do something you think is right and someone gets
upset about it, even if you
could have predicted that, the upset is nevertheless that
person's responsibility. And if
you do something you know (or later realize) is wrong and
another person is upset
about that, their upset is similarly their own responsibility.
Another example: if you were to withhold doing personal
development because your
partner has said they do not want you to change in any way,
perhaps because of their
personal fears and insecurities, that is your choice. But if
you consider making a better
life for yourself is the ethical thing to do - for the
benefit of yourself and ultimately for
others too - and you tell your partner that and she gets
upset, it is your partner who is
responsible for the upset - it is her interpretation of your
actions that creates her own
upset, not your action in itself, which is a responsible
You can genuinely love someone whilst nevertheless doing
something they don't like or
agree with. You do it because you feel it is the right thing
to do, though you still
understand and have empathy for their different viewpoint
(which causes their
emotional reaction) which they have created by their own
choices and belief system.
If one only did things others can easily accept then the
status quo would never progress.
That would truly be a trap. The solution here is better
communication, leading to
increased understanding of each other's viewpoint, and
therefore acceptance of the
differing personal realities.
There is a strong imprint in our culture to feel sad, guilty,
etc. for painful emotions our
actions may cause to others. There's a general misconception
that you are your
emotions. "I am angry" and "you make me
angry". This is conditioning not truth. In
terms of cause and effect, it's a viewpoint at effect. Some
say that to be happy, only do
what others can easily experience - it's the same lie.
The Church teaches "Do unto others as you'd have them
do unto you". I believe this IS
true, as if you are being ethical - acting from integrity,
being true to your self - then it's
going to be OK for others to do the same to you. And if it
isn't then you'd better re-think
whether you are indeed doing the right thing. It is one
definition of a 'wrong' action:
that which you would not like another to do to you.
You are responsible for your choices, decisions and actions.
For being true to your
judgment. For communicating with honesty and integrity,
developing and maintaining
an open mind, and promoting understanding and empathy. For
never compromising
your freedoms and rights nor trampling on another's. For
always acting from the
primary motivation of love. That's all and quite enough.
Your Wake-Up Call
When I was quite young, someone told me, “If you want to be
really successful, find out what God wants to you to do with your life and then
dedicate yourself to achieving it”.
At the time, I didn’t really like that idea; I did not
believe that my life could have any particular purpose and I did not think that
anything God might have in mind would be of any interest to me in any case.
Gradually, I have come to believe that what that person said to me, all those
years ago, is true.
As human beings, we all share certain basic wants and needs:
we have need for food, water, shelter, safety, love, respect and self esteem.
We all share an in-built tendency, as Freud stated, to want to move away from
pain and toward pleasure. This tendency is part of the human condition for our
own good; it keeps us away from harm and generally helps us to make good
choices. Most people settle for pursuing a career that satisfies these basic
human wants and needs and never really think beyond them to what their life
could be about.
Somewhere along the line, I came to realise that what God
wanted for my life, and what I wanted, were one and the same thing. This
understanding came after I had determined to find out what God actually wanted
me to do with my life.
It was a profound moment for me. I gradually came to
understand my inner hopes, dreams and deepest desires as being implanted by
God. So pursuing God’s purpose for my life was, in fact, also pursuing my own
purpose. When it really came down to it, I finally realised that I needed to
look within to discover my own purpose and once I had found out what it was, it
then became possible to dedicate myself to fulfilling it.
So my message to you is simple: it is time for you to
wake-up! It is time for you to start thinking of your life in a different way.
It is time for you to fulfil your dream - whatever that may be. That is why you
are here on the planet right now. By finding and fulfilling your own unique
purpose in life you will be living your life to the full.
It is my hope that you will begin to see
yourself as a special person, with a truly unique purpose in life - because
that is the truth!
Wrapping Up Yourself
Many people with
anger issues have realized that it's connected with alcohol and/or drugs
directly. You might be surprised to discover that it may be a tremendous help
in your effort away from anger. Drinking causes emotions to flash and
conversations on touchy subjects to come up. You never know what you might say
to offend another individual with an anger disease. Stand back from alcohol if
you want to have a chance of recuperating.
In reviewing the
source of our anger it will help us to determine the answers we left out while
our emotions had control. Emotions are our inventory and may control our
sadness, joy and above all anger. Having trouble managing your emotions may
cause you to suffer from anxiety, depressions and blowups.
Solutions include
putting down your emotions, working out your frustrations in the gymnasium, or
finding your own way of doctoring your issues. Either of these things will work
for you, but you have to make certain it's a personal gain. If you pick
something to help you out with anger it must be something you like and
something that works for you. Everybody is different.
If the person
doesn’t discover a way to command the emotions that bring on anger flare-ups,
anger will most likely overcome them.
Vitamin C and
Vitamin B Complex have been utilized for years to enhance the mind and help the
patient deal with stress. Throughout this book you've started to find out many
ways to cope with anger and grab a hold of your anger. Like: -
Center on littler tasks at a
Slowly move forward to bigger
goals when you're ready
Learn to loosen up
Write your issues down
Take deep breaths when
Analyze your issues
Exercise and yoga are great
for unwinding your mind and body
Take your time altering your
Baby yourself
Remind yourself daily you're
moving towards recovery
Keep your tension level low
Practice what you preach to
your youngsters
Inform your acquaintances and
family so they know about your problem and how they may help you through it
Self help groups
Ø Talk
to your physician if nothing is helping your problem Proposed Work Must Interpret Certain Traits
In any event, and in respect of any proposed work, we must see and
interpret certain traits in the things we are contemplating which promise points
applicable to the problem before us, and then aligning cause and effect with
the direction of our purposes, conclude upon a course of conduct that will
secure our object.
This will be apparent in what follows. We maybe conversant with corn,
as merchandise. But now we wish to grow it. Here it behooves us to be prospective,
constructive, and practical. It is a question of bread, and a living
competency. So, we must satisfy ourselves that the land is productive, and that
we have the means for its cultivation.
And, therefore, the question of labor is considered: horses and men;
their hire and board; and whether they are trustworthy, tractable, serviceable,
etc. And, if we are satisfied on these points, our prospection is completed,
and we go to work. But wherein consists the peculiarity of such informations?
Only in this: They are rational powers held in reserve for the future. They
mean business, but, for the present, it is only a proposed venture requiring
special thought. Think of it!
The farmer has to control himself, lest he act prematurely. He must
have command of natural forces, and bend them to his purposes. But in order to
this, he must know them with a knowledge so searching that he can discern the
supreme correlations existing between things individual, but capable of
co-acting, if needed in furthering a contemplated result. In other words, he
must shape his way to acts through the special considerations that go to
establish them. I foresee that my account of preparatory informations will be
imperfect, unless I allow for their effect in qualifying the mind itself for
its peculiar work. A brief exposition of this must suffice.
Every accession of such knowledge adds to the mind's efficiency; for
every efficiency is born of the mind in its proximate antecedent condition, and
so carried over into the new birth. Hence comes the fact that all our
informations become in time a psychological investment looking forward to
conduct, and finally reappearing there as the result of our previous thoughts. For
whilst thought is being trained, it is accumulating a fund of prospective informations
which are in trenched in the faculties, and held over for future exigencies;
acquisitions of the past reappearing as expert efficiencies of the present.
Indeed, if we have knowledge through an intelligent appreciation of
facts, we must found on our previous acquisitions and present dexterity; every succeeding
information being dependent on the view the mind can then take of its then
wants. Wherefore, as we grow in knowledge, we augment the reserves of
information which continue with
the soul as trained, or educated, efficiencies subject to our call. And
yet, it is still true, that when we would do something new, we shall have to
reform our outlook, somewhat. For we have to discover, and consider, not alone
how to make use of our present
acquisitions, be they what they may, but how to meet wants which are
just now responding to our sharpened apperceptions.
Thursday, 28 January 2016
It is not what you do for your
juniors/subordinates/children that are important. It is what you teach them to
do for themselves.
The world suffers a lot, not because of the
violence of bad people, but because of the silence of good people.
successful man is he who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others
throw at him! Learn to accept criticism proactively and with grace.
Your success is determined by what you are
willing to sacrifice for it.
No one will manufacture a lock without a key.
Similarly the God does not give problems without solutions. Only we should have
patience and courage to find them.. Success is not the key to happiness. But
happiness is the key to success.
Do not complain about others. Change yourself if you want peace. It is easier
to protect our feet with shoes than to carpet the earth.
Do not only be close with someone who makes
you happy. Be close with someone who cannot be happy without you. It may make a
lot difference to him at least.
Bill Gates never did Laxmi Pooja but he
is the richest man. Einstein never did Saraswat i Pooja but he was the
cleverest man. So just believe in hard work.
You can tell whether a man is intelligent by his answers. But you can tell a
man is wise by his questions.
Slow down and enjoy life. It is not only the
scenery you miss by going fast but you also miss the sense of where you are
going and why. The only thing I like about stones that come in my way is: once
I pass them, they automatically become my milestones.
Luck is not in your hands. But work is in
your hands. Your works can make your luck but luck cannot make your works. So
always trust yourself.. Love is a gift. If you receive it, open and appreciate
it. If not, don not worry. Someone somewhere is still wrapping it for you.
Birds that live in a lake will fly away when
the lake dries. But the lotus that grows in the same lake will die with the
lake. So recognize the birds in your life.
Coincidence decides to whom you meet in life. Your heart and your mind decide
with whom you want to stay in life. But only destiny decides who gets to stay
in your life.
10. Everything in life has a beautiful ending. And if it is not beautiful,
then be sure, it is not the ending.
MORNING means one more inning given by the
god to play.. A person who surrenders when he is wrong is honest.
12. A person, who surrenders when not sure, is wise.
A person, who surrenders even if he is right, is a HUSBAND! :-). I cannot say
whether things will get better if we change, what I can say is that if we want
to get better, we need to change.
13. Leave something for someone…never leave someone for something because in
life something may leave you but someone will always live with you.
14. Too often we underestimate the power a touch, a smile, a kind word, or
the smallest act of caring, all of which have the power to build a lifelong
has deposited Love, Joys, Prosperity, Peace and Laughter plus all kind of
Blessings in your account. Use without limit. The PIN code is: PRAYER!
Three best things:
A little seed in good soil
A few cows in good grass
A few friends in tavern
16. One meets his destiny often on the road he tried to avoid it.
With lies you may go ahead in the world but
you can never come back.
18. The road to a friend’s house is never too long.
19. When the heart is full, the eyes overflow.
20. There is none luckier than he who thinks himself so.
21. The truth may walk around naked,
but the lie has to be clothed.
22. It is better to light a candle
than to curse the darkness.
23. No one knows what he can do until he tries.
24. God gives every bird its food but does not always drop it into the nest.
25. Do not choose for anyone what you do not choose for yourself.
26. It is better, in times of need, to have a friend than to have money.
27. As you do to others, they will do to you.
28. Little children – little joys
bigger children – bigger sorrows
29. A good name keeps its brightness even in dark days.
30. An inch of gold will not buy an inch of time.
31. A light heart lives long.
32. Personality has the power to open the doors, but it takes character to
keep them open.
33. The person who likes you more will trouble you more. But when you drop a
tear, they will fight the world to stop that tear.
34. Those people whom you miss in your happiness are the ones whom you love.
But those people whom you miss in your sadness are the ones who love you. Do
not forget them.
35. Success is not a matter of being the best and winning the race, it is a
matter of handling the worst and finishing the race. Be positive.
36. A man does not start turning old when his hair starts graying, but when
his enthusiasm towards life and its joy start dropping. Just keep checking your
37. A honey bee visits 2 million flowers to collect 500 mg of honey. So our
workload is nothing as compared to them. Be cheerful and keep working.
38. It is not that some people have will power and some do not. It is that
some people are ready to change and others are not. Believe in yourself and
change for betterment.
39. Everybody says that mistake is the first step to success. But it is not
true. Actually it is the correction of mistake.
40. Winners recognize their limitations but focus on their strengths.
Losers recognize their strengths but focus on their weaknesses.
41. We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.
SAP ABAP - Locking
What Is Locking ?
When two users simultaneously attempt to access the same data record, this is synchronised by a lock mechanism.

Step 2 - ABAP code to lock table entries
Add the following code in-order to create the table lock. This function module must be called
before any update takes place. If a lock has already been taken out it will display the appropriate message.
before any update takes place. If a lock has already been taken out it will display the appropriate message.
When two users simultaneously attempt to access the same data record, this is synchronised by a lock mechanism.
When dialog transactions are programmed, locks
are set and released by calling certain function modules. These function modules
are generated automatically from the definition of so-called lock objects in
the ABAP/4 Dictionary.
To synchronize the access to a table by setting
and removing locks, a Lock object has to be defined in the ABAP/4 Dictionary.
Activating the lock object automatically creates function modules for setting
and removing locks. These function modules must be included when programming
interactive transactions.
Mechanism :
To set locks, a lock object must be defined in
the ABAP/4 Dictionary. In this lock object, those tables in which data records
are to be locked by calling a lock are determined. All tables included in a
lock object must be connected to each other via foreign keys. The key fields of
the tables in a lock object form the Lock arguments for the tables. The lock
arguments are the basis for formulating the logical condition for identifying
the records to be locked.
SAP provides you with the
ability to restrict access to data while the table is being updated. This is
fairly simple to implement via the use of a lock object (Created in SE11).

Step 2 - ABAP code to lock table entries
Add the following code in-order to create the table lock. This function module must be called
before any update takes place. If a lock has already been taken out it will display the appropriate message.
before any update takes place. If a lock has already been taken out it will display the appropriate message.
mode_ZTABLENAME = 'E' "E =
Write Lock, S = Read Lock, X = Exclusive not cumulative
mandt = sy-mandt
KEYFIELD1 = "Value
KEYFIELD2 = "Value
KEYFIELD3 = "Value
_SCOPE = '2'
_WAIT = ' '
_COLLECT = ' '
* If
exceptions are not used, message is displayed within FM
sy-subrc <> 0.
Retrieve message displayed within Function Module
message id sy-msgid
type 'I'
number sy-msgno
with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
Step 3
- ABAP code to Remove table lock(s)
The following code will remove the lock for the specific table entries.
The following code will remove the lock for the specific table entries.
mandt = sy-mandt
KEYFIELD1 = "Value
KEYFIELD2 = "Value
KEYFIELD3 = "Value
* X_KEYFIELD1 = ' '
_SCOPE = '3'
_COLLECT = ' '
SAP ABAP (How to Get Foreighn Key and check Table Ralations For a Table)
How to Get Foreighn Key and check Table Ralations For a Table?
Steps to get foreign key and check table
relations for a transparent tables.
Step 1 : GOTO-->SE11 (Open a table)
Step 2: Click on GRAPHICS button on application
Step 3 : Select the table and Click on 'CHECK TABLES' or
Steps 4: Select the tables and Click on Copy.
Step 5: Graphical relationship will appear on the
Wednesday, 27 January 2016
SAP ABAP - Data Dictionary
Transparent tables:
1) Used to hold application data (master or
transaction data)
2) 1:1 relation with the database table
3) Same name, same number of fields,
tables: (table pools)
Many to one relation ship with the database
Table pools holds number of pool tables
Table pools hold a large number of very
small tables (10 to 100 rows each)
Used to hold control data (e.g. screen sequences,program parameters or temporary
Used to hold customizing data (country codes, region codes, .pricing conditions)
tables: (table clusters)
Many to one relation ship with the database
Table clusters is combinations cluster
Table cluster holds data from a few (2 to
10) very large tables.
In order to combine tables in clusters,
at least parts of the keys must agree
(performance good ) , but not in the case of pool.
Table: Creation
Delivery and maintenance:
Delivery class: identifies the owner of
the data in this table, the owner is responsible for maintaining table
contents. Customer or sap or ……..
settings we can control how database tables
are created in the database.
class: Determines the in which table space the table
is stored when table is created
category Probable space requirement of the table
in the database
Table maintenance generator
maintenances generator is nothing but making a table available for adding
records anddeletingrecords. The
transaction code used is SM30.
Step 1
Create parameter transaction (i.e. via SE93)
Step 2
Enter transaction details. Within the Proposed values section there are a number of value which can be setup, simply use drop down menu to view the list. The 2 values assigned in the following example are as follows:
VIEWNAME: Set table name to maintained
UPDATE: Open table for update
FK is a field in table that is connected to
another table via foreign key relation ship.
Purpose of foreign key relationship is to
validate the data being entered into one table by checking against a valid set
of values in another table.
Check table field must be primary key in
that table.
Domain names and check table field must be
Cardinality: For each value in the check table, how many rows of data are allowed in the foreign key table.
Value Table:
Its like default
check table (But not), value table is automatically proposed as the
Check table when
creating a foreign key.
Currency and quantity fields:
Each currency
field must be linked to a currency key field, and each quantity field must be
linked to a field containing the units of measurement.
The value in the
reference field determines the currency of the amount. ( and also quantity)
Indexes :
Efficiency mechanism for quickly finding rows
with in a table.
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